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Home » Dr. Hisham Farid writes: The correct understanding of the file of Egyptians abroad

Dr. Hisham Farid writes: The correct understanding of the file of Egyptians abroad

 It is nice for him to submit a proposal to dedicate a day to appreciate and honor the Egyptian immigrant or expatriate, or the development partner, or the arm of Egyptian soft power abroad, or any description of what they describe us with, but what is most important is the correct understanding of the file of Egyptians abroad, as the matter is not about seasonal cheering, or a propaganda rise on the shoulders of Egyptians. Abroad, because the issue is complex, strategic, and higher than these arguments, propaganda gains, etc.

 Unfortunately, some people still deal with Egyptians abroad as if they are orphans without fathers, and those calling for fatherhood try to fabricate them for certain goals and purposes, which are, of course, revealed to everyone. Therefore, we all need a correct understanding of the file of Egyptians abroad, this file that supports the Egyptian state in all fields.

 In principle, there is nothing wrong with the propaganda proposal, and a passing celebration is acceptable, but there must be a real societal discussion (not only with those who are running after the Ministries of Immigration and Foreign Affairs for certain matters and others), but rather with the stakeholders, the real experiences, and the preponderant opinion of the Egyptians abroad and the relevant figures from within !!

While setting conditions, standards and proposals to ensure achieving the goal of the proposal, good selection and transparency, including but not limited to, other points can be added by Egyptians abroad themselves because they are the stakeholders:

 – Highlighting the real work of the Ministry of Immigration on the ground with actual numbers and percentages, not just the work that succeeded in the media!?

 – Highlighting the real initiatives that are actually successful in numbers and percentages and not the successful ones in the media!? 

 – Highlighting the real solutions that are actually successful on the ground and how many actual cases have benefited from these solutions in numbers and percentages and not the successful solutions in the media!? 

 – The problem of illegal immigration is not one of the problems of Egyptians abroad who actually reside legally and suffer from various actual problems on the ground!!

As for illegal immigration, they are a group outside the international immigration laws!? This is the problem of the Egyptian state with the European Union countries, and it has its own laws regulating it in Egypt and foreign countries, with declared and specific agreements, and the Egyptian state is playing its full role in implementing all agreements in this matter to the fullest extent. This phenomenon has been curbed very significantly in recent years, with a wonderful effort on the part of the Egyptian state and in various ways. Different ways to address the real causes of this problem and create job, education and training opportunities for the youth of some of the governorates and regions that export the most illegal immigration and meet the desires of all parties.

 We, in the General Coalition of Egyptian Communities in Europe, are ready to support the Egyptian state with everything we are given in this file and others.

 As for students studying abroad, they are not immigrants abroad!? These are temporary immigrants! 

 Temporary migration is of various types, including diplomatic and consular missions and employees of branches of Egyptian international companies abroad, such as EgyptAir offices, tourism offices, and state employees traveling on official missions for a limited period.

 There are two types of students: the first is official scholarships, and these are fully sponsored by the state. They are Egyptians on a fixed-term study mission and are subject to the direct sponsorship of the Ministry of Higher Education and the scientific advisor at the embassy.

 The second type is temporary immigration to study, and they have their own conditions that regulate that, and they are sponsored by their families in Egypt, who sent them abroad to study, and they take care of them there in terms of living and study costs. They have the right to be sponsored by the Egyptian embassy when they need any official papers that will help them succeed in their goal in the country in which they are studying.

 All of these groups do not meet the conditions for describing Egyptian immigrants abroad (permanent immigration)!!

 Also, the problems of Egyptians working in Saudi Arabia and the Arabian Gulf (temporary migration for work), who are the largest group contributing to the conversion of foreign currency, the largest national income for Egypt from foreign currencies so far!! 

 These Egyptians who migrate for work (temporary migration) do not have the citizenship of the countries in which they work and need real care from the state to solve their problems, of which not a single real problem has been solved on the ground since the establishment of the Ministry of Immigration until now, according to most estimates.

 As for Egyptians who are permanent immigrants, they live in diaspora countries in Europe, Canada, America, and Australia, and have naturalized the citizenship of these countries and have full rights and care like the original citizens of these countries. These are among them who have distinguished experiences and are businessmen who can be benefited from in developing various sectors in Egypt! These immigrants (permanent immigration) do not need the care of the Egyptian state except for simple matters, which are summarized in the problems of consulates and transporting bodies.

– Is it not fair to honor only some Egyptians abroad who have had personal or academic successes in their field of work?! Because it is only a personal success, and it did not benefit the Egyptians abroad in anything real on the ground, and they were not integrated or mixed with the Egyptians abroad at all!? …According to some perceptions, of course, they are beneficial to the Egyptian image and reputation.

 – We must also honor some Egyptian figures abroad who are already present among the ranks of Egyptians abroad and integrated with them through civil work and the provision of all services and humanitarian aid. These are those who were and still are with the honorable Egyptians abroad who represent the real soft power and the popular backing of the Egyptian state and the head of state in the darkest circumstances. And they are still giving more.

 – A number of conditions, standards and declared controls must be agreed upon to honor role models of Egyptians abroad! There must be an independent committee of trustees that nominates a number of Egyptians abroad in accordance with the previously announced requirements! 

 – Provided that there is a mechanism and the possibility of allowing a period of two months to object to the committee’s nominations by Egyptians abroad themselves, and the existence of a mechanism to cancel the nomination, for the sake of transparency and the correctness of the application of the requirements and criteria for selection with complete accuracy indeed!  

 This is to avoid false compliments from some people and cause a state of discontent among Egyptians abroad because they are the most knowledgeable people among them who deserves to be honored!! …and the goal of honoring itself is lost and turns into its opposite.

 – That there be an organization for the nomination process and the possibility of running for honor, and providing the opportunity for all Egyptians abroad to nominate themselves or whomever they nominate for honor, whether individuals, bodies, or governmental bodies, and to submit to the nominations committee in a way that confirms that the conditions for selection and honoring are met for the candidate, provided that there is more than one honor for each of the immigration categories. Temporary and permanent immigration, all according to the standards and requirements appropriate to this category, without any fees or anything else.

 *The writer is a professor and expert in biological agriculture in the Netherlands, a prominent leader among Egyptians abroad, an immigrant to the Netherlands for more than forty years, and the Secretary-General of the Coalition of Egyptian Communities in Europe.

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